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Submit an image

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On this page, you can submit an image for possible publication on the Feel Out Loud Community Creator Space.

All fields are optional except the ones marked with an asterisk ( * ), which are required.

Share your Image

Contact details

Kids Help Phone doesn’t provide mental health support through web forms right now. If you’re seeking mental health support, you can explore our e-mental health services for ways to connect.

This will be published publicly.
If you want to be anonymous, skip this field.
This will be published publicly.
If you want to be anonymous, skip this field.
2By providing your email address, you give us permission to email you about your submission. We don’t share email addresses publicly.
2By providing your email address, you give us permission to email you about your submission. We don’t share email addresses publicly.

Image details

3Enter a title for your submission. We’ll use this if we publish your content.
0 of 120 max characters
3Enter a title for your submission. We’ll use this if we publish your content.
4Upload your submission (e.g. photo, artwork, etc.) as a single JPG or PNG file.
Max size: 3MB, min width: 750px

Maximum file size: 3MB

4Upload your submission (e.g. photo, artwork, etc.) as a single JPG or PNG file.
5Tell us about your image! For your privacy, try not to include personal info.
0 of 2500 max characters
5Tell us about your image! For your privacy, try not to include personal info.

We respect the anonymity and confidentiality of everyone who submits content to the Feel Out Loud Community Creator Space. We want to remind you however that there are legal limits to confidentiality and we may be required to disclose the information / content you submit to an external agency, usually a local child welfare agency or, less commonly, the police, if we think that you or others may be in danger. This is called the “duty to report.” For more information on Kids Help Phone’s duty to report, you can review our privacy policy.
